DPL's Managed IoT Blog

Insights and commentary on all things related to managed IoT.

New York ATM Doubles Down on DPL for 3G Upgrades

In evaluating 3G upgrade options, Jon Weilbaker, owner of New York ATM, has chosen to ditch the...

Cypress Advantage ATM Chooses DPL for 3G Upgrades

After a thorough evaluation of wireless providers, Cypress Advantage ATM, a national leader in ATM...

DPL Launches Free ATM Error Code Lookup Tool

In July of 2021, DPL, a hardware manufacturer and managed wireless service provider, launched a...

Hercules Smokes the Competition - Performs 9X Better in Field Trial

In late June of 2020 a DPL customer considering wireless vendors for their 3G upgrades and new ATM...

3G Sunset - Avoid jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Cellular carriers are dismantling their 3G networks, forcing ATM operators to upgrade 3G modems...

ATM Operator Helps Police Take Down Crime Ring

On the morning of March 10th, 2021 one of our customers reached out to us, excited to share some...

5G Sticker, 2G Speeds

Don’t get fooled by “5G” stickers on some modems that have been hitting the market. ISOs and IADs...

What does the 3G Sunset Mean for IADs with Wireless ATMs

The 3G sunset is on its way. If the 3G network in your area was shut down tomorrow would your ATM...

Save Thousands a Year with DPL's Restart

The Restart pays for itself plus nearly 6 years of wireless data within the first year. Unlike RMS...

IAD Recovers $25,000 with DPL’s Anti-Theft Accessory

Early in 2018 Darryl and Kristy Staal, owner/operators of Kida ATM Services, were the victims of an...